
  • Cucumber rest API

    Cucumber-rest-api is the functional testing Tool for testing REST APIs.It makes use of a basic HTTP client for testing remote and local JSON and XML restful clients.

  • GoRayGun

    A package that will capture and process any GO application failures. These notifications about failures are then sent to a tracking application ( This gives two benefits:

  • Android A/B testing

    Remotely configured A/B Testing framework for Android. Uses a remote configuration file to specify weighted choices. These weightings can be adjusted without re-deploying the app. Uses the same configuration file as the iOS version.

  • RayGunAS

    Raygun client for Adobe Air projects

  • IOS A/B testing

    Remotely configured A/B Testing framework for iOS. Uses a remote configuration file to specify weighted choices. These weightings can be adjusted without re-deploying the app.

  • Angular-Lazy-Load

    A cross browser AngularJS directive that lazy loads images as they come into view when the page scrolls, reducing the page weight when it initially loads.

  • Angular-Confirm

    A simple AngularJS directive that prompts the user to enter predetermined text in order to continue with user journey after clicking a button. Useful if the action the button performs has irreversable consequences eg deleting a database.